Camelford Town Council's Programme of Events
Thursday 2nd June
Thursday 2 June @1pm Proclamation read out by the Mayor at the Bandstand
Thursday 2 June @ 9.09pm The playing of “Diu Regnare” at the Bandstand
Thursday 2 June @ 9.15pm Beacon lit @ the Bandstand/Enfield Park
Saturday 4th June
Saturday 4 June (time TBA) Live streaming of the Platinum Party at the Palace at Enfield Park Sunday 5 June 1-3pm Picnic in the Park with live music from Callum Flew (1.30pm)
(Our version of the Big Lunch. Bring a blanket and a picnic and enjoy some live music)
The Seriously Awful Symphonia at the Bandstand from 12-1.30pm Back by popular demand, bring along an instrument and join in!
More details will follow
These events are in addition to Fun Week 29 May to 5 June